Julkishallinnon digitaalisten palveluiden hankinta ja kilpailutus

26.9.2023 09:15

Remote training


Welcome to join Julkishallinnon digitaalisten palveluiden hankinta ja kilpailutus! All tickets include a recording and presentation materials. These will be sent to you after the training. Choose the option that suits you the best from the options below.

Are you participating with a bigger team? You can get a group discount for a group of at least 3 people or larger than that.

You can also ask a group offer from ryhmatarjous@professio.fi – we are happy to help you.

An invoicing surcharge 8 € + VAT (24%) will be added to the price.

Event has ended.

Event time

Starts:   26.9.2023 09:15
Ends:   27.9.2023 16:15

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Event location

Remote training